Infra, short for the umbrella market for infrastructural objects and projects, is a collective term for various, often public, facilities. In many cases, these facilities consist of networks, with regard to traffic, water management, electricity, telecom and ICT. In most cases, these facilities also have a national character and importance, which means that in most cases the government is the principal or in any case bears ultimate responsibility.
MCT Brattberg cable transits and conduit transits are used in many infrastructure facilities. Where there are control cabinets, distribution stations or control rooms, which are partly or completely built below ground level, modular watertight cable penetrations are often prescribed. In the Netherlands, the entry of cables, and sometimes pipes, below ground level quickly leads to risks related to flooding or water damage. In most cases, waterproofing is therefore the most important functionality that is required of the MCT Brattberg cable penetrations to be used.
Both in the construction of bridges and locks, a watertight seal is required for the passage of cables and pipes. MCT Brattberg regularly supplies modular cable transits for both locks and bridges, especially for underwater cable and pipeline transit points. In this application, RGB windows and sometimes also RGP windows are used, whereby the starting point in many cases is to use windows made of stainless steel 316L as a basis.
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Both in the construction of bridges and locks, a watertight seal is required for the passage of cables and pipes. MCT Brattberg regularly supplies modular cable transits for both locks and bridges, especially for underwater cable and pipeline transit points. In this application, RGB windows and sometimes also RGP windows are used, whereby the starting point in many cases is to use windows made of stainless steel 316L as a basis.
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The world of rail is a world unto itself. The safety and use of the rolling stock must be continuously guaranteed around the track. To this end, numerous control boxes, signal boxes, point controls and point heating boxes can be found around the track. MCT Brattberg cable and pipe transits are used for all these applications. Primarily, these cable transits provide passive safety by protecting against incoming groundwater or excessive rainwater. In addition, the cable and pipe transits offer protection against damage from pests: MCT Brattberg has successfully tested its transit systems, among other things, with regard to damage by rodents.
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In recent decades, a revolution has taken place with regard to telecom facilities in the Benelux. Not only have the national networks become increasingly fine-grained, but there have also been several times when completely new infrastructures were rolled out to accommodate the latest communication standards. MCT Brattberg cable transits are regularly used in distribution stations for telecommunications, but also in transmission towers. In addition to the regular penetrations, which provide protection against groundwater, among other things, the telecom market also uses EMC-resistant penetrations, also referred to as E-MCT. To this end, MCT Brattberg developed transit blocks that are fitted with a conductive screen in the middle. By building up the transit in the right way, based on these E-MCT blocks, a homogeneous earth screen is created, which stops unwanted interference and residual circuit currents.
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In the construction of tunnels and roads, underground facilities are increasingly used to control various systems around the road and at tunnels. To keep all these systems safe and efficient to use, MCT Brattberg cable and pipe transits are used. These cable penetrations prevent disturbances from occurring in the existing installations as a result of groundwater. By applying a special variant of the MCT Brattberg penetrations, the E-MCT penetrations that are provided with a conductive earth screen, protection can also be provided against the impact of lightning.
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The Netherlands is a water country. Much of the water present in the Benelux is used for consumption and commercial purposes. This water is then often purified in one of the modern water treatment plants that are scattered throughout the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. In these water treatment plants, both cables and pipes are used, which pass through walls at certain places. To prevent the penetration of water, MCT Brattberg cable and pipe transits are used. The most commonly used penetrations for water purification are stainless steel 316L variants of the RGB windows and the RGP windows. In some cases, additional protection against electromagnetic interference is also chosen. E-MCT windows are used for this, in which a conductive earth screen keeps this radiation or circuit currents outside the space to be protected.
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