Applications > Build-in

Install cable entry

For the installation of a cable transit, MCT Brattberg has the RGP transit . This can be built in in different ways. For metal floors and walls, a metal flange can be used that is bolted or welded to the wall or floor.

With concrete walls, the RGP penetration can be placed directly in the borehole . The standard sizes of the RGP correspond to the standard drill hole sizes: 50-70-100-125-150-200mm.

If it is already known prior to the pouring of the concrete wall, which number of round penetrations you want to place, you can also opt for a plastic embedding unit, the CCM embedding module. The CCM (Concrete Casting Module) is available for round penetrations of 150mm (CCM150) and 200mm (CCM200) diameter. The CCM is placed in the formwork prior to pouring the concrete wall, where it can be attached to the reinforcement of the concrete. Each CCM is fitted with a breakaway cover; As long as the CCM is not filled with a round penetration, the module is watertight as standard. For this reason, it is often decided to install a higher number of CCM modules than necessary for the number of planned penetrations, so that expansion with additional penetrations is also possible at a later time.

More information about the RGP

RGP in a sleeve

The round RGP transits can also be mounted in a metal sleeve, also called a sleeve. This sleeve can be welded in or built up. In the first case the Sleeve has no flange, in the second it does, whereby the Sleeve can be mounted on the wall by means of bolts through holes made in the flange. When bolting on a Sleeve, it is necessary to apply a watertight gasket between the wall and the flange of the Sleeve.

Sleeves in the webshop
RGP kabeldoorvoering in sleeve

Build-up afterwards

Sleeve with holes to build on.

The metal flange for the round RGP transits is also available in an open version. This means that it can be used when the cables have already been pulled. The flange is made around the cables, mounted, after which an open version of the RGP, the RGPO, can also be mounted. In this way you easily have a watertight penetration in a concrete or metal wall.

Standard open version for any RGP

Since 2022, all round RGP penetrations have been provided with a cut in the longitudinal direction of the penetration. This longitudinal section makes it possible to bend the RGP transit around existing cables, after which it is mounted in the cold (concrete or stone) wall or in a steel sleeve. Previously, the RGP window was closed by default and an open version was available separately, then called RGPO. Since the penetration is identical in properties as well as in terms of certification, regardless of the cut applied, the longitudinal cross-section is now standard for all RGP penetrations.

The RGP transit is available in galvanized steel (F) or stainless steel (S) and comes standard in 7 sizes:

50mm – RGP50
70mm – RGP70
100mm – RGP100
125mm – RGP125
150mm – RGP150
200mm – RGP200
300mm – RGP300

SFR sleeve voor ronde kabeldoorvoering


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